‘இந்தியா’ பயண நூலில் இடம் பெற்ற பண்டைக்கால வரலாற்றுக் குறிப்புகள் ஆய்வு (A Study of Historical References Mentioned in Indian Travel Books)


  • Dr. R. Subbulakshmi Tamil Scholar and Drawing Teacher, Girls Government Higher Secondary School, Sulur, Coimbatore, TamilNadu.


Indian Travel Book, Rajagiri, ARU. Somasundaram, Ternier and Manusi, Jandar Mandir, Nalanda University


Language is an important component of human life, and this essay highlights this statement. Ternier, a French pilgrim, and Manusi, an Italian pilgrim, researched the structure and appearance of the Krishna Temple in North Madurai, India. Both studies are analysed and articulated in this paper. The India travel book mentions Jandar Mandir, an ancient space research station in India. In addition, other textual evidence reveals that India was a pioneer in the technology of Agni Astra. The travel book also mentions Nalanda University, a Buddhist university since ancient times, with information about the number of students and teachers it entails. However, it is necessary to highlight the conflicting messages when comparing the travel book with history books. The travel book states that 2000 years ago, Rajagiri was the capital of Ashoka's father, Bimbisara, which contradicts the statements in published history books that mention that Ashoka’s father was Bindhusara, not Bimbisara, and his capital was Pataliputra, not Rajagiri. Additionally, Girivraja, a hot spring hill, was mentioned to be the first capital during the time of Bimbisara, the founder of the Haryanka dynasty who laid the foundations of Magadha, the father of emperor Ajatasatru. Research reports have described and explained the ancient Hindu kingdoms and the reasons for the invasions of cities like Vadamadurai, Ayodhya, and Kashi.


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