Prospective Customers’ Behavioural Intention towards Islamic Microfinance Services in Bangladesh

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Selim Ahmed
Rafikul Islam
Ahmed Al-Asheq


The present study investigates the behavioural intention of prospective customers towards Islamic microfinance services in Bangladesh based on demographic factors such as gender, age, education, and family size. This study uses a self-administered survey questionnaire to determine the intention of prospective customers towards Islamic microfinance services based on five variables, namely subjective norms, attitude towards behaviour, behavioural intention, normative belief, and behavioural belief. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 326 responses were received (72.44%). The findings of this study indicate that male respondents have a higher behavioural intention towards Islamic microfinance services than female respondents. On the other hand, female respondents have a higher behavioural belief towards Islamic microfinance services compared to their male counterparts. The findings also indicate that those respondents who studied up to secondary school level would like to receive opinions from family members and friends about the use of Islamic microfinance services. The present research findings have important implications for Islamic microfinance institutions, practitioners and policy makers. The findings of this study are expected to reflect suggestive steps to increase the behavioural attitude in the use of Islamic microfinance services.


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