Assessing Housing Structure Similarities Across The EU Countries

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L’ubica Sipková
Viera Labudová
Juraj Sipko


This paper compares housing in the European Union countries. The right to housing has been established by a range of international human rights institutions and is regularly monitored by the United Nations and the European Commission. Subsidised housing must, therefore, be accessible to broad levels of the population. Given the need for the development of the social housing sector, it is necessary to analyse divergences in necessities and provisions of affordable social housing in the EU countries. The wide diversity of national housing concepts and policies, as well as a variety of implemented approaches across the EU countries, in terms of tenures, providers, beneficiaries and funding arrangements are briefly described. Presented are the results of the similarity of structures by housing type in the EU countries. Particularly, the enormous differences in structures of housing in regard to the tenure status, e.g. owner or tenant, were quantified. We used data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), available for all EU countries and provide a relatively high degree of comparability.


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