About the Journal

Aims & Scope: 

The primary purpose of the journal is to promote publications of original research related to the Malaysian economy. It is also designed to serve as an outlet for studies on the South-east Asian countries and the Asian region. The journal also considers high-quality works related to other regions that provide relevant policy lessons to Malaysia. The journal is receptive to papers in all areas of economics. We encourage specifically contributions on all range of economic topics of an applied or policy nature. At the same time, submissions of methodological or theoretical studies with results that are of practical use are welcome. Works that are interdisciplinary will be considered provided that they contain substantial economic contents.

Frequency of Publication: 

The journal is published twice a year, in June and December.

The journal is abstracted/indexed in ABI/Inform, ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), EBSCOhost, EconLit, e-JEL, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Informit, Islamic World Science Citation (ISC), JEL on CD, Scopus, MyCite. 

Information on Subscription:

The subscription price, payable in advance, is RM40.00 per issue (not including postage, packing and handling) for subscribers in Malaysia and Singapore. For subscribers elsewhere, the subscription price is USD20.00 (air delivery charges are calculated separately). Subscription correspondence should be addressed to:


For submissions after 1 July 2024, any papers accepted for publication—following a successful double-blind review process—will be subject to a publication fee. This fee, which helps to partially defray production costs, is set at MYR 400 for submissions from Malaysia and USD 100 for submissions from outside Malaysia.

Persatuan Ekonomi Malaysia
c/o Faculty of Business and Economics
Universiti Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603–79673647