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Muhd Abdul Hadi Johari
Zanisah Man
Mohd. Yusof Hussain
Manimaran Krishnan



Bagi setiap masyarakat, sistem nilai dan tingkah laku adalah dibentuk oleh ekologi dan kebudayaan, terutamanya dari aspek penyembuhan penyakit dan kesihatan diri. Bagi masyarakat Melayu Kedah, paradigma kesihatan tersebut adalah pola berstruktur (structured pattern) semenjak dari zaman tradisi lagi, susulan pada masa itu sistem kesihatan dan perubatan moden masih belum meluas. Makalah ini berusaha untuk mengkonstruksi sistem penjagaan kesihatan masyarakat Melayu Kedah dari perspektif budaya sebagai menyingkap fungsi, praktis, dan identitinya yang khusus. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan pemerhatian ikut serta dan temu bual mendalam. Kajian lapangan dijalankan di Daerah Baling dengan menemu bual 15 warga tua (tiga daripadanya adalah bomoh perubatan tradisional), tujuh dewasa, dan tiga anak muda. Kajian mendapati bahawa punca penyakit Orang Melayu Kedah adalah disebabkan oleh tiga etiologi, iaitu (i) alam ghaib, (ii) pengaruh persekitaran dan fisiologi tubuh, serta (iii) gabungan kedua-duanya. Masyarakat Melayu Kedah melindungi diri dan kesihatan mereka melalui tiga amalan, iaitu (i) ritual perlindungan diri dan tanah kediaman bagi menyekat sihir, (ii) ritual khusus untuk memagar diri dan rumah daripada dimasuki oleh makhluk ghaib, serta (iii) amalan tertentu (amalan fizikal dan spiritual) yang memusatkan perhatian kepada diri-sendiri. Praktis-praktis tersebut simbolik melambangkan identiti kebudayaan tempatan dan keperibadian diri mereka.



For every society, the system of values and social behaviors is shaped by ecology and culture, especially in terms of disease healing and personal health. For the Kedah Malay community, the health paradigm is a structured pattern since the traditional era, as at that time the modern health and medical system was not yet widespread. This paper seeks to construct the health care system of the Kedah Malay community from a cultural perspective by revealing its specific functions, practices, and identity. Data were collected using participatory observations and in-depth interviews. The field study was conducted in Baling by interviewing 15 elderly people (three of whom were traditional medicine shamans), seven adults, and three young people. The study found that the cause of the disease among Kedah Malays is due to three etiologies, namely (i) the supernatural, (ii) the influence of the environment and physiology of the body, and (iii) the combination of both. The Kedah Malay community protects themselves and their health by conducting three specific practices, namely (i) self-protection and residential lands retuals to prevent magic, (ii) specific rituals to fend themselves and homes from being possessed by supernatural beings, as well as (iii) certain practices (physical and spiritual practices) that focus on the self. These practices are symbolic to their local cultural identity and their personality.




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