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Hanafi Hussin


Southeast Asia with different geographical landscapes and inhabited by diversities of people with unique cultures and recognize as Asian cultural mosaic and branding this region as a fast growing in many aspects, politics, economy, infrastructure and cultural development. The region is sharing development concept, the knowledge-based economy and the global environment, strongly followed branding and rebranding strategies to garner more economic benefits. No doubt that the region is also facing a great challenge from internal and external factors and the region from time to time need to review their internal and external policies. All policies towards economics, politics and social enable an individual country in Southeast Asia change the outlook of the country in facing the external world like Malaysia. It will affect the relations and cooperation bilaterally, regionally and globally especially diplomatic, international relations and economic relations. The possible and broader questions related to the concerns could be how these were reframed and rebranded to benefit countries and what were the impacts of rebranding on cultures, norms, values, practices and traditional lifestyles? All these issues were discussed at the 7th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2017). This will discuss a selected paper presented in this conference in line with the main theme of the conference rebranding Southeast Asia. 

Keywords: rebranding, Southeast Asia, ASEAN, Southeast Asian Studies, ICONSEA2017, social-politics, culture and economy


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Author Biography

Hanafi Hussin, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, MALAYSIA

Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya