Preschool English Teachers’ Practices and Early Literacy Instruction:Montessori vs. International Preschool Curriculum

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Nazila Seyed Hendi
Adelina Asmawi


The practices preschool teachers implement in their classrooms are vital in their students’ literacy development. Preschool teachers are always expected to implement research-based literacy practices to ensure children are ready to learn when they enter school. This multiple-case study intended to address four nonnative in-service preschool English teachers’ practices in early literacy instruction. Data collection involved interviews and videotaping of classroom practices along with documents from ten full English lesson observations in each classroom. For this multiple case study, the analysis for each case was conducted to identify themes and subthemes.  A cross case analysis was also conductedto find overall themes and subthemes common to both cases.The overall conclusion generated from the results of the data analyses is that though teachers and preschool principals in the same school district using various curriculum perceived that they were effectively applying early English literacy instruction, there was actually a divide between the curriculum and what they implemented in classrooms. There was not enough interaction between the teacher and children. Therefore, it is necessary to help teachers improve their understanding of the links between learning, teaching and social interaction in the area of early English literacy.  


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