Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>The Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science <a href="">(ISSN: 1394-6234)</a></strong> is published three times a year in April, August and December by the Department of Library &amp; Information Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya. The journal publishes original research articles in the field of library and information science (LIS) as well related domains that encapsulate information and knowledge. It also encourages contribution about professional policies, practices, principles and progress in the LIS fields. The journal aims to provide a forum for communications amongst LIS professionals especially within the Asia Pacific region, to introduce new concepts, methodologies, systems and technology. Between 1996 and 2008 the journal was published both in print and electronic. From 2009 onwards only the electronic version has been made available (</span><span style="color: #1155cc;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1508914970567000&amp;usg=AFQjCNH2Xa93GpyPaUKh40iIoEvcWxisyQ"><wbr />index.php/MJLIS</a></span></span><span style="color: #000001;">). The journal is being indexed and abstracted by<strong> Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science (Q3)</strong> and <strong>Elsevier's Scopus (Q2).</strong> </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #000000;"><img src="" alt="" width="178" height="61" /> <img src="" alt="" width="201" height="58" /> <img src="" alt="" width="107" height="114" /> <img src="" alt="" width="117" height="113" /> <img src="" alt="" width="110" height="109" /></span></p> Universiti Malaya en-US Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 1394-6234 <p>It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to the journal have not been published, accepted for publication, nor simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that copyright for the article is transferred to the publisher, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.</p> Information needs of a vulnerable community: The case of visually impaired first-time mothers in Malaysia <p>Interest in exploring women’s new experiences as they step into motherhood and their information<br />behaviour has increased over the last decade. However, little attention has been given to vulnerable<br />first-time mothers, specifically those with visual impairment. This study aims to provide an insight<br />into the information needs of first-time mothers with visual impairments as they embrace<br />motherhood. A case study design was employed to capture the information experiences of first-time<br />mothers with visual impairment during their first year of motherhood. Three data collection<br />techniques were employed, namely interviews, observations and audio diary, that provided rich and<br />deep insights into the experiences of these mothers. The codes-to-theory model for qualitative<br />inquiry resulted in identifying five main facets of information needs, namely baby care, mother care,<br />family welfare, daily living and disability rights. Wilson’s model of information behavior is used to<br />provide an understanding of how these mothers’ personal factors, role demands and environmental<br />context shape their information needs as they take on the role as mothers. The findings raise<br />implications for strategies to facilitate this vulnerable community’s information provisions,<br />specifically in the context of visually impaired mothers.</p> Siti Nurul Maryam Kiran Kaur Copyright (c) 2024 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 29 1 1 28 10.22452/mjlis.vol29no1.1 Brand conceptualization for academic libraries: A grounded theory approach <p>Marketing and branding are still regarded as aspects of the business world irrelevant to libraries.<br />Understanding the impact of brand and its evolution on the success of academic libraries<br />necessitates elucidating the meaning of brand and its contributions to libraries. The lack of a<br />comprehensive definition of marketing and branding and their functions in Iranian libraries also<br />confirms the idea that they are unnecessary in libraries and prevents libraries from moving in the<br />right direction in marketing and branding. To this end, this study aimed to investigate the brand<br />concept of academic libraries in Iran. This qualitative study employed the grounded theory (GT)<br />methodology based on two of the three coding steps suggested by Strauss and Corbin (1998): “open<br />coding” and “axial coding”. Twenty experts in fields such as branding, marketing, and librarianship,<br />among others, were interviewed for data collection purposes. Out of these experts, nine were faculty<br />members, three were researchers, and eight were library employees. Using the MAXQDA software,<br />the content of the interviews was analyzed qualitatively. In addition, the academic library brand was<br />also conceptualized with 12 dimensions, including brand identity, brand associations, brand<br />awareness, brand imagery, brand compatibility, brand quality, brand credibility, brand superiority,<br />brand security, brand excitement, behavioral loyalty, and attitudinal attachment. Therefore, it made<br />sense for the brand to focus on providing its customers with the best possible library experience. This<br />study is the first to define the brand concept for academic libraries in order to shed light on the<br />concept and its significance in these libraries.</p> Farzane Sahli Sirous Alidousti Copyright (c) 2024 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 29 1 29 51 10.22452/mjlis.vol29no1.2 Predictive modelling of social capital among library workers: a machine learning approach <p><em>Social capital is an important asset for the development of communities, including communities linked to specific types of libraries. Despite numerous studies, no models dedicated to measuring this specific area have been developed yet. The paper proposes a model predicting the level of social capital among library workers with the use of machine learning methods. Its purpose is to identify the attributes that determine the level of social capital in a given community in order to enable the development of key areas. The model may be adapted for use in other groups, e.g. among library users or library non-users, in order to analyse social capital in the entire local community. </em></p> Maja Wojciechowska Mariusz Topolski Copyright (c) 2024 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 29 1 53 73 10.22452/mjlis.vol29no1.3 The academic librarians' empowerment and engagement as research partners: a qualitative study <p><em>A</em><em>cademic librarians are seen as information providers, even where their provision is beyond the simple rule of providing access to information. Th</em><em>is</em><em> perception </em><em>had not changed</em> <em>in Nigeria, even </em><em>when </em><em>academic librarians</em><em> were accorded academic status and adopted an embedded librarianship model, which allows them to collaborate with the faculty</em><em>. </em><em>The need arises for how optimal the academic librarians can partner with faculty members</em><em> in research</em><em>.</em><em> As</em><em> a result, this study explored the source of academic librarians' engagement with their work role and empowerment for effective participation</em><em> and </em><em>collaboration, and </em><em>enhance </em><em>performance.</em> <em>The study employed a qualitative approach and purposively sampled 21 academic librarians</em><em> from a major university in Nigeria</em><em>. Data were generated through focus group</em><em> discussions</em> <em>and</em><em> interviews</em><em>. </em><em>The findings were structured around six (6) </em><em>sources of </em><em>empowerment themes and four (4) </em><em>sources of </em><em>engagement themes</em><em>. Since t</em><em>his is the first study in </em><em>Nigeria</em><em> that articulates </em><em>a manifestation of academic librarians as research partners, </em><em>it has </em><em>provid</em><em>ed </em><em>academic librarians with the necessary authority to enhance their performance in a research partnership</em><em> and </em><em>has paved the way for further research.</em></p> Talatu Rabasa A. Abrizah Copyright (c) 2024 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 29 1 75 89 10.22452/mjlis.vol29no1.4 Challenges and strategies of implementing clinical librarianship: A case study of hospitals of Tehran metropolis <p>Rapid changes in most treatment fields and evidence-based medical trends emphasize the role of clinical librarian in providing information services to treatment teams. The new task of librarians in treatment teams has faced barriers and challenges. The current study was conducted to assess the obstacles and offer solutions for the implementation of the role of clinical librarian in Iranian hospitals. This qualitative study was conducted on 15 librarians with experience in work and research related to presenting information services to the treatment team. The librarians were interviewed using purposive, available sampling method. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview, which continued until data saturation, and data analysis was done using thematic analysis method. A total of 147 initial codes, 122 main codes, and 35 subcategories were extracted from analysis of 15 interviews. After detailed evaluation and integration of the subcategories, ten categories and two main themes were determined. The main barriers are related to the lack of support from executive organizations, the absence of appropriate training programs, and the shortage of skills to enter the treatment teams. These barriers have prevented the approval of clinical librarian as an independent job position. The mentioned strategies are dependent on the support of executive organizations in two sectors: Ministry of Health and hospitals in creating job titles and feeling the need for information specialists in medical teams, as well as universities in defining official and independent disciplines by developing appropriate educational programs and attracting qualified people.</p> <p><em> </em></p> Zahra Dinpajuh Niloofar Mohaghegh Maryam Zarghani Maryam Khazaee-Pool Arezoo Ghamgosar Sedegheh Khani Copyright (c) 2024 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 29 1 91 106 10.22452/mjlis.vol29no1.5 The affordances and constraints of information in crime prevention communities through social media <p>Social media can provide important and useful information to communities in their fight to prevent crime. However, this capability has its downside. For every affordance social media provides, the platform presents an equally important constraint, which researchers and the public often ignore. Using an in-depth case study of social media crime prevention communities in Malaysia, this paper intends to provide a rich understanding of the information provided by social media in crime prevention. The study adopts the technology affordances and constraints theory to make sense of and explain how the information provided by social media affords and constrains the communities' efforts to fight crime.</p> Ali Fauzi Ahmad Khan Shamshul Bahri Copyright (c) 2024 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 29 1 107 121 10.22452/mjlis.vol29no1.6