Dynamic interactions of research, publication, researchers, institutions, and countries: A Quintuple Helix model perspective on research impact

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Mudassar Arsalan
Omar Mubin
Abdullah Al Mahmud


This review paper introduces and explores the Research Impact Quintuple Helix Model, a comprehensive framework designed to analyse and enhance the impact of research across societal, economic, and environmental dimensions. Unlike traditional models focusing on sectoral collaboration for innovation and economic development, this model integrates five critical elements - Research, Publication, Researchers, Institutions, and Countries - offering a holistic approach to understanding research impact. The study systematically examines the dynamic interactions among these elements, emphasising their collective role in fostering collaborative synergies, interdisciplinary research, and effective resource allocation. By aligning research activities with broader societal needs and environmental considerations, the model aims to extend the scope of research impact beyond academic achievements, highlighting the importance of policy alignment, societal engagement, and sustainable practices. Key comparisons with the standard Helix models demonstrate the unique contributions of the research impact quintuple helix model, illustrating its potential to address specific challenges in maximising research benefits. The paper identifies strategic collaborations and policy implications that could significantly enhance the societal benefits of research, advocating for a structured integration of the model’s elements into research and policy-making processes. The review concludes by recognising limitations in the existing literature and calling for empirical studies to validate and refine the model. Future research should incorporate quantitative methods to measure the impact effectively, aiming to transform theoretical insights into actionable strategies for a sustainable and impactful research ecosystem.


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How to Cite
Mudassar Arsalan, Omar Mubin, & Abdullah Al Mahmud. (2024). Dynamic interactions of research, publication, researchers, institutions, and countries: A Quintuple Helix model perspective on research impact. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 29(2), 19–59. https://doi.org/10.22452/mjlis.vol29no2.2
Author Biographies

Mudassar Arsalan, School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia

Dr. Mudassar Hassan Arsalan is a researcher with a diverse background in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), environmental health, and scientometrics. He is currently affiliated with Western Sydney University. Dr. Arsalan’s research focuses on applying GIS in environmental health, assessing air pollution, and evaluating research impact through scientometric analysis. He has published numerous articles on diversified topics such as COVID-19 risk evaluation, sustainable urban water conservation, and the characteristics of award-winning research papers. Dr. Arsalan has extensive academic experience, having served as a faculty member at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) and the University of Karachi in Pakistan. His interdisciplinary approach integrates environmental science, public health, and data analytics to address complex global challenges

Omar Mubin, School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia

Dr. Omar Mubin is an Associate Professor at Western Sydney University, specialising in Human-Centred Computing and Human-Computer Interaction. His research encompasses a broad range of topics within scientometrics and informatics, including evaluating research impact, citation analysis, and disseminating scientific knowledge. Dr. Mubin has authored numerous articles that contribute significantly to these fields. His interdisciplinary work also spans Human-Robot Interaction and Health Informatics, addressing complex challenges in technology and society. Additionally, he mentors students and serves as an Editor/Associate Editor for many International Journals

Abdullah Al Mahmud, Centre for Design Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Dr. Abdullah Al Mahmud is an Associate Professor at Swinburne University of Technology, specializing in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and design research. He holds a PhD and a Professional Doctorate in Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. Dr. Al Mahmud’s research interests include co-design, child-computer interaction, assistive technology, digital health, and designing for marginalized communities. He has also contributed to the field of scientometrics, analyzing publication and citation patterns to understand research impact. Dr. Al Mahmud has published extensively in top-tier HCI journals and conferences, significantly advancing interaction design and digital health. His interdisciplinary work involves developing and assessing products, systems, and services with end-users, addressing complex challenges in technology and society. Additionally, he mentors students and serves as an an Editor/Associate Editor for many International Journals.


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