Scholarly manuscript assessment: Scientific journal editor desk evaluation

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Erikson Saragih
Kundharu Saddhono
Nurenzia Yannuar
Desri Maria Sumbayak


Rejection of submitted articles during the editorial review process can be discouraging for authors.
This study investigates the factors affecting manuscript acceptance and rejection by journal editors
and proposes targeted training to enhance acceptance rates at the editorial review stage. Data were
collected through online questionnaires from 42 international journal editors, interviews with five
editors, and focus group discussions with graduate students. The findings reveal that editors
consider six key criteria when deciding whether to accept manuscripts for peer review: originality,
uniqueness, scope, appropriateness, relevance, and significance. Commonly rejected sections include
the abstract, methods, and results. Insights from editor interviews and focus groups with early-career
researchers shed light on the reasons for manuscript rejection and highlight specific sections
with higher rejection rates. The study recommends that new researchers undertake courses in
scientific writing to better understand editors' evaluation criteria and improve their chances of


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How to Cite
Erikson Saragih, Kundharu Saddhono, Nurenzia Yannuar, & Desri Maria Sumbayak. (2024). Scholarly manuscript assessment: Scientific journal editor desk evaluation. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 29(2), 1–18.
Author Biographies

Nurenzia Yannuar, Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, INDONESIA

Department of English Literature

Desri Maria Sumbayak, Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, INDONESIA

Department of English Literature


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